Why is My Washing Machine Blinking?

Washers and Dryers – The light behind the control panel is blinking or turning on

Don’t worry if you notice that the light behind the control panel on your washing machine or dryer is blinking or turning on. This is completely normal. Here’s what to do.

Blinking or Glowing Light Behind Your Washing Machine or Dryer

If you see a blinking light behind your washing machine or dryer, especially if there is little or no light in the room, it’s normal. This light is part of the diagnostics system. It is an internal system light that blinks constantly to indicate that everything is working properly. It can be seen in the dark because the control panel emits a small amount of light to make the pulsating light visible. It is usually not visible in daylight because the light is very dim.

You may also hear a high or low pulsating sound (such as a low beep) when the Diagnostics blinks/lights (on for 1 second, off for 1 second). This is normal.

Get The Professional Help

We can help you with all equipment-related issues, from repair to replacement. If you need to make decisions, contact our washing machine repair expert.

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